Friday, 22 November 2013

The innovative Bus shelter Advertising techniques

Bus shelter advertisement is perhaps the single most effective way in combining mass communication with efficacy. Extensive research and profound understanding of what appeals to different groups of customers drives the success of every advertising task. Advertising often has the power to communicate and express what sometimes even people fail to do. A combination of words, visuals and graphics combine with personalized appeal yet targeting mass media to create a solution of sorts. Therefore, every element that goes into the making of an advertising campaign is of prime importance.

Bus stop Advertising - Advantages

Bus stop advertising has been an age old technique to communicate a product or service to its target audience. Although there are several other newer and more contemporary advertising mediums, advertising on bus stops continue to hold its own appeal. Firstly, bus shelters are often the highest visited places in any city. They are usually located in areas that are prone to lots of crowd and hence visibility in such places is higher. Besides moving traffic and pedestrians, bus shelters are places that people stay in for considerable amount of time and therefore retention of a message is also higher.

Advertising agencies should focus on to penetrate local neighborhoods with bus shelter messages and also to maximize mass exposure round the clock. Determining the right locations is an important need in advertising on bus shelters. This is simply because the right locations can often garner right attention. If it is a local business pertaining to a specific neighborhood or two, bus stop advertisement can work wonders if choice of location is optimal.

An innovative Bus stop Advertisement

inClouds Advertisement agency

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