Friday, 22 November 2013

The innovative Bus shelter Advertising techniques

Bus shelter advertisement is perhaps the single most effective way in combining mass communication with efficacy. Extensive research and profound understanding of what appeals to different groups of customers drives the success of every advertising task. Advertising often has the power to communicate and express what sometimes even people fail to do. A combination of words, visuals and graphics combine with personalized appeal yet targeting mass media to create a solution of sorts. Therefore, every element that goes into the making of an advertising campaign is of prime importance.

Bus stop Advertising - Advantages

Bus stop advertising has been an age old technique to communicate a product or service to its target audience. Although there are several other newer and more contemporary advertising mediums, advertising on bus stops continue to hold its own appeal. Firstly, bus shelters are often the highest visited places in any city. They are usually located in areas that are prone to lots of crowd and hence visibility in such places is higher. Besides moving traffic and pedestrians, bus shelters are places that people stay in for considerable amount of time and therefore retention of a message is also higher.

Advertising agencies should focus on to penetrate local neighborhoods with bus shelter messages and also to maximize mass exposure round the clock. Determining the right locations is an important need in advertising on bus shelters. This is simply because the right locations can often garner right attention. If it is a local business pertaining to a specific neighborhood or two, bus stop advertisement can work wonders if choice of location is optimal.

An innovative Bus stop Advertisement

inClouds Advertisement agency

Monday, 18 November 2013

How Printing on promotional products impacts a Business?

Corporate advertising is of different kinds. Printed carrier bags are a conventional medium of promotional products that focuses on communicating a message and also renders utility to the customer. Bags are an important accessory for any individual. This accessory is carried around and garners attention and visibility almost instantly. In a way, these carrier bags with printed messages on them are a form of transit advertising. And the customer does not have an issue with taking them around because it serves their purpose of storage. Customized screen printed promotional products that include carrier bags have been used by business, big and small. Their use has not diminished but the resources employed have undergone a change.

Printing on promotional products

Printing on bags has become more innovative, stylish and sophisticated. Bags being a great fashion accessory have multiple uses but they are great ways to advertise since these are mobile. The prints, designs, colors and content have become more contemporary, minimal but attention seeking at a glance. Therefore, the advertising company meticulously works on advanced resources to cater to the modern customer. Also, bags come in different materials, shapes, sizes and colors. Cloth, plastic, paper, leather, faux leather and many other materials are used to create a carrier bag unique to the business. Most companies employ this medium because of their visibility, simplicity and efficacy.

Printing on bags

Promotional products are of several other kinds. Companies largely make use of bags, caps, pens, t-shirts, cards, mugs and many other products to showcase their message. Although there are several mediums, bags, caps and t-shirts continue to be the more preferred choices because of the sheer size of the product. The bigger the product, the better is the message’s visibility. Printing on caps is another category. Caps are best used for high volume projects. The product is fashionable and functional and communicates a message easily over many other mediums. The possibilities are innumerable but execution must be meticulous. Crowding a cap with excessive content or bad use of images can ruin the reputation of the business. On the contrary, careful use of words and images with the right choice of color can increase the efficacy of the message.

Choice of Advertising agency

There are many ace advertising agencies that focus on printing on promotional products. A good portfolio and great understanding of customer preferences serve as factors in choosing the right advertising company. Despite the volume of printing, the output must be meticulous, precise and appealing. Companies with good research knowledge, state-of-the-art printing methodologies and creative crew of experts therefore become the default choice. Many times, even a very minor change in the components can create path-breaking results. And most businesses get only one or less than one chance to make an impression. A tried-and-tested approach may not fetch results in today’s highly competitive marketplace. Therefore, choice of agency must be diligently done in order to get the best results.

Printing on caps - Archangel printing

Inclouds Advertisement agency

Friday, 15 November 2013

TV advertising vs Hoarding Advertisements

Market segmentation and target customer analysis are perhaps two important concepts driving TV advertising. When a business has substantial information on both, creation of a good television


commercial is enabled. Sometime ago, people were glued to their television sets and never missed anything. This was because the concept was novel and there seldom were other digital mediums that did this job. But today, the number of people who avoid TV advertisement or even the internet is alarmingly high and growing. The first couple of seconds of a commercial must have maximum impact so as to lead the customer or prospect to sit through it. Therefore, the use of brilliant and endearing ideas becomes a necessity.

Quite contrary to TV commercial ads, outdoor advertisements neither employ sounds nor moving visuals or videos to communicate. The ability of hoarding advertising agencies lies in creating a story board for hoardings or banners that can capture attention at one glance. Thereafter, the viewer should be made to want to read through the message to persuade him to complete the desired call-to-action. Although, the objective of both mediums is to attract, sustain and persuade; the execution methodologies and components used vary. Hence, planning must be varied and meticulous.

- inClouds Advertisement 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

The power of TV Commercial ads to persuade

Any successful advertising strategy and much more in the case of TV commercial ads require flawless conceptualization, brilliant implementation and periodic assessments to create a matchless output. These are significant because all businesses including that of your competitors are vying for audience attention through television. A TV commercial has the ability to impact or impede a potential customer’s buying decision. There are many television ads that instantly make a connection and many buying decisions that have been made simply because you liked the ad or the person in it or just about anything about the commercial. The product eventually makes a connection but the primary decision enabler is always the ad by itself.

Commercial advertisement
Any commercial advertisement therefore holds maximum scope and appeal. However, the extent of innovation and captivating ideas determine the success of a TV ad. Sometimes, it has been seen that even minimalism can result in success. There are many advertisements that are silent, use abundant white space and sparing words but manage to create more impact than a commercial that has all the components. The product or service to be advertised, the nature of business and competition often determine the creation of a television ad. And creating a brilliant one lies in the ability of the ad agency.

UniverCell Television Commercial 

- In Clouds Advertisement Agency